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Tristan Stirling was king of Apicarta. By his wife Deirdre, he fathered Aldous, Helen, and Claudius, and is the paternal grandfather of Richard and Eleanor.

Revered after his death as a wise and just ruler, Tristan was far more controversial during his reign. He was assassinated at the age of fifty two by the Eclipse, a radical religious group which his lax policies helped create.


Early Life[]

Tristan was the eldest child of Enid Stirling and Lucien Florescu. He was betrothed to Lady Deirdre Crimwall at the age of fourteen and married her as soon as they came of age. They had three children: two sons, Aldous and Claudius, and a daughter, Helen.

Vormund and the Eclipse[]

Twelve years into Tristan's' reign, the prophet Vormund began preaching tolerance and brotherhood between the races. He drew many followers in a short amount of time, most of them soldiers, along with a few Exekians who had remained hidden in the northern regions. Vormund became a threat, and was captured and executed.

A year later, soldiers guarding the southern border began to desert their posts or throw down their weapons, refusing to fight. The Exekians, led by Nechtan, immediately invaded and terrorized the countryside before being defeated by the elderly Tristan and his army. This event, along with Tristan's continuing persecution of the Vormundists, led to the formation of the Eclipse, a group of radical Vormundists who believed the Stirling bloodline was cursed, and that peace was impossible so long as their family was in power.

Later Years and Death[]

Tristan was assassinated during a visit to Isidore, the ancestral home of the Zosimus family. During dinner, he was shot by Drusus Rolfe, a member of the Eclipse. Gavin Zosimus, his wife Beatrice, Aldous and Claudius were present in the room when he died the following morning from his injuries.
